Monday, July 12, 2010


As the tables turn and the melodies ring out; our hearts play and
dance and beat in time, floating free like butterflies lingering in
the summer's evening breeze. It's these care free moments that shape
our happiness and forge that smile upon our face, a smile so strong we
couldn't fake a frown if we wanted to. We wouldn't dare be different
from ourselves, absorbed into our own little world. Laughing at
laughter, smirking at smiles. Being silly, just because we can.
Perfectly harmless and happy... Uncomplicated... Simple, the way life
should be. Its these moments that will become our greatest memories.
No matter where life will take us, we will look back and smile. These
memories have shaped me. Let your heart and soul take you on a wayward
journey.... Take the path less that someone
different... Be that butterfly in the breeze.


  1. This matched the song that was playing on my computer! Brilliant work!

  2. This was so lyrical. I loved the positive feeling I got from it. Lovely :)

  3. Many ideas flowing through your lyrics and such a fitting image to end with, the butterfly. Nice job!

  4. "...we will look back and smile.." We do indeed. smile \0o/

  5. A beautiful take on the path less traveled.. I enjoyed it.. thanks

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter: @VerseEveryDay


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