Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Take Me...

Tear me from this messy world, ignite the dynamite stick that will end all that is for me.
Prepare my place in hell, my bed of nails awaits me.
Let eternity begin, its my time to dance with the devil.
I've out lived this life already, now I only rise to fall again, what is the
Bury me or burn me, I am ready.
Death only hurts the first time.


  1. "Tear me from this messy world, ignite the dynamite stick that will end
    all that is for me.Death only hurts the first

    I can so relate to these two lines right now...

  2. Loved the last line. This one gave me chills.

  3. "Death only hurt the first time"

    That can be taken so many ways. I feel like I've lived that.


if you've come this far, you're already a friend...